Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Assignment: Alphabet Art

For your photography assignment, you will be experimenting with what we'll refer to as "Alphabet Art". Using photography, you'll be responsible for spelling out a word of your choice using black and white images. Please photograph in color and we will learn as a class how to properly convert to grayscale so as to achieve proper contrast.

Below, you'll find an example of alphabet art spelling out a word. Can you see the letters?

  1. Choose a word, at least five letters long, and cannot be the same as any other student in the class
  2. Start photographing, take more then 1 picture for a given letter as you may find something better later in the week. Look high and wide to find your letters, they can be in the most unique places. Try your best to find natural letter forms and not have to "spell it out" yourself using found objects.
  3. Take COLOR images
  4. Upload images by Tuesday MORNING and we will, as a class, talk about color conversion.
  5. SAVE EACH IMAGE separately in a folder titled Letters, in Major assignments, no larger then 8.5x11 
  6. For POST credit, place each image on panoramic canvas much like the one above, using a black or white background color. Post to blog by Tuesday Jan.20 , titled "Alphabet Art", before you leave class.
  7. Also place a saved version of your flattened, full word in 'letters' folder as a final image.

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